Monday, 30 May 2011

A @#@#>>> Dog and the Lasseter Highway

A scream, yelling and profanity slice the air. A dog snarls, growls and teeth snap. I look up as Brian staggers towards me. Blood is pouring from his hands and right calf. A squat brown dog of dubious pedigree slinks away – ears back and tail between its legs. One or possibly two of its ribs have felt the impact of a cycling shoe aimed at the solar plexus.

This is bad – blood poisoning and an aortic heart valve transplant are not a good combination. We are in Mt Ebenezer, one of the few Aboriginal-owned roadhouses in the Northern Territory. Civilisation is 200 kilometres up the Lasseter Highway.

Our cycling adventure started with an innocent proposal.

“Lets go camping in the Australian desert,”

What a romantic idea - the two of us under the stars, sharing a bottle of wine at sun set.

Reality, of course is huddling together in our tent – breathe condensating, down sleeping bags, thermal underwear, ink black nothingness and below freezing temperatures. The sunset is a huge orange cut out sliding into a rust red landscape. And yes, the stars are like diamonds painted on the sky.

At night Dingoes howl and in the morning my hips ache. Outside ice covers the bike seats and our water bottles freeze.

A new day - the earth seeps pink and ochre hues. Discarded toilet paper litters the dunes and attaches itself to green Spinifex and Mulga bushes like balls of cotton!

The proprietor of the Roadhouse suggests she take Brian for treatment to the medical centre at the Aboriginal settlement of “Imanpa” some 17 kilometres away. Off the main tourist route, this remote community is conveniently hidden from the prying eyes of tourists and media.

The local nurse pours Iodine directly onto the wound!

“I normally suggest a Tetanus shot, however, medicines are no longer kept at the clinic because of theft”.

We are given dressings, antibiotics and a warning that the wound should be kept covered from the flies.

“I bet you’ve never seen anything like this place before?” the Nurse says.

Outside garbage is piled window height – stinking, a mass of flies. Old washing machines and wrecked cars litter lawns. A small group of teenagers sit in the gutter alongside sleeping dogs and empty wine bladders. The windows in the Women’s Centre have been smashed and solar panels ripped out. Although the community is supposedly “alcohol free”, it resembles a war zone.

“Domestic violence, substance abuse, illiteracy and hopelessness breeds like wildfires here”

The dwindling community is on the brink of collapse as families drift to Alice Springs in search of work - petrol sniffers and drunks remain. The general store has closed, the nearest police station is 150 kilometres away and few of the children attend school regularly.

Next morning Brian gingerly mounts his bike. The surreal experience of visiting “Imanpa” has left us with a bad taste. Cycling along the flat Lasseter Highway, we laugh as a family of Emus struts awkwardly across flat saltpans and we stop to photograph a huge Wedge Tailed Eagle as it tears at road-kill. We are in luck and cycle most of way to Ayers Rock with the wind at our backs.

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Surviving “The World’s Most Dangerous Road”

“Where the hell are we? “ I ask.

Our destination is the Bolivian city of La Paz. It’s mid-day and unbelievably hot.
Ancient buses and trucks spew clouds of diesel - polluting what little air there is left to breathe. Irritatingly, a bus veers in front of our bikes and the passengers alight. We stop and start a dozen times - swearing, dodging potholes, mangy dogs and unsuspecting pedestrians.

Exasperated, I complain - “We’re definitely lost.”

El Alto is a manic lively city - 4150 metres above sea level. It is perched on the rim of a canyon where the city of La Paz nestles. Unfortunately, today is market day and the streets are bustling with merchants selling every imaginable commodity - second hand clothes, chickens, an assortment of fruit, fresh vegetables, plastic buckets and pigs on a spit.

We negotiate several crossroads and traffic laden roundabouts before locating the elusive autopista. Ignoring the “no cycling” sign we proceed to cycle cautiously down the bus lane. Our hands never leave the brakes as we sweep down switch back after switch back for an incredible 11 kilometres into the city of La Paz.

We almost overshoot our recommended accommodation - “The Adventure Brew Hostel” is owned by a fellow Kiwi and his wife. Tonight we will be living in luxury - the hostel is immaculately clean, has cable television, a bar, restaurant, free home brew and English speaking travelers.

“I’m not entirely sure I’m up to this ride” I nervously suggest that night over dinner. “I’m definitely too old”.

The “World’s Most Dangerous Road” has earned its reputation because it plunges 3,000 metres. 100 deaths are supposedly reported annually.

“The cost of a tour is well outside of our budget”

“Nonsense, we’ll organise everything ourselves and save heaps” says my money conscious husband.

“Right. I‘ll consider it overnight.”

At dawn we hail a taxi outside our hostel. The driver is ecstatic to secure an early morning fare. He whistles as he loads both bikes on to the roof of his battered Toyota. We climb slowly uphill over La Paz’s steep cobbled narrow streets until we encounter a police blockade. A sombre looking policeman saunters over, gives us a cursory glance and motions to our driver to follow him, whereupon he suggests we pay a “fine“.

“It’s good to see corruption is still alive in Bolivia” mutters Brian as he opens his wallet.

Eventually, sleepy La Paz is barely visible. As we climb towards the wind-swept summit of La Cumbre our mouths become increasingly dry and the landscape rugged. Our adventure begins at 4700 metres in fog and cloud. The plateau is freezing - La Cumbre is surrounded by unclimbed glaciated peaks and icy lakes.

“Man, this is desolate and windswept” I say pulling on another layer of merino wool and a second pair of gloves.

I am feeling just a tiny bit nervous - Brian complains of an altitude induced headache and my nose begins to bleed.

The driver unloads the bikes, shakes our hands and points to a sealed road. Reassuringly, he crosses himself at the statue of Christ. Several tour groups huddle together as they listen to last minute instructions from their guides. All around us Alpacas graze under dramatic snow covered peaks. Brian checks brakes and tire pressure. We watch the taxi depart, and then…. We’re off!

We endure a rapid descend for 15 kilometres - it’s a vista of twisting asphalt, spectacular drops and imposing cliff faces. We take the time to stop - catch our breath, take photographs and admire the majesty of the Andes. Finally, we race through a tunnel, having dropped nearly 1,600 metres in altitude to emerge at the ramshackle “Undauvi” checkpoint.

Here our downhill run is interrupted by a brief undulating 8 kilometre uphill ride. At over 3,000 metres we both struggle for oxygen. There is another 20 kilometre downhill section until the asphalt ends and our tyres skid on the gravel. Vultures circle overhead and our eyes stream. Bleak Andean landscape mellows to become a wide yawning valley clothed in dense lush forest.

At last, we enter the tranquillity of the jungle itself. This is the start of “the World’s Most Dangerous Road” and will be the most challenging part of our ride.
I stare ahead - a narrow dirt road slices precariously into the side of the mountain.

“Hmm, this road is barely wide enough for one vehicle to pass let alone two.”
Surrounded by mist and cloud my aching hands lock both brakes. I glance nervously over 1,000 metre sheer drops to my left as I negotiate cascading waterfalls to my right. The bike slips frequently on wet loose stones. I peer around blind corners anticipating the worst. Focusing on the road I pretend to ignore the reminders of death as I pass several crosses, shrines and memorials.

“I am definitely out of my comfort zone here. Thankfully the majority of traffic uses the new road nowadays.”

Our ride becomes increasingly difficult - the rutted road is dusty and hard work. We smile in sympathy - a professional guide has crashed metres ahead of us. He picks himself up from the rock-strewn road. Thankfully, his injuries are minor - we watch as he limps towards his damaged bike; his pride in tatters.

After some 68 kilometres of cycling through thick jungle we’ve shed most of our clothes to arrive in the Beni lowlands - sunburnt and in short sleeves. Tropical fruits, coffee and coca grow here year round.

Tired, hot, dirty, yet exhilarated, we finally arrive at the shantytown of Yolosa. It’s a hectic little town where we are quickly set upon by locals selling much welcomed cold drinks, bread, fried chips, chocolate and fruit. After stowing the bikes in the hold, we board one of the many buses travelling to La Paz. The journey takes around two hours and we arrive at dusk - it has been a very long day.

Exhausted, we push our cycles up the steep cobblestone back streets of this fascinating city.

That evening over a free beer or two we toast ourselves - Grandma and Granddad survived the “World’s Most Dangerous Road” and boy did we have fun!

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

I want to ride my bicycle.........................

"Bicycling has done more to emancipate women than anything else in the world.
I stand and rejoice every time I see a woman ride on a wheel.
It gives women a feeling of freedom and self-reliance."

Susan B. Anthony, suffragist, 1896

Let’s talk about the bicycle and women.

The bike was introduced at the end of the 19th century and Women discovered a new form of freedom – cycling allowed them to travel independently outside of the home and the freedom to wear clothes suitable to cycle in.

The men of the Victorian era found liberation threatening. Indeed, society sought ways both privately and through the press to stop to women cycling in public. The Victorian dress code did not permit women to show their legs in public even if covered by pants and stockings. Wearing pants was considered “shocking.”

However, by 1900 it had become acceptable for more daring women to ride in bloomers (puffed out pants that were almost twice the diameter of one’s legs at the knees).

Just a few dates to muse over -

· 1888 - The modern "safety" bicycle is invented with a light frame and two equal-sized wheels and a chain drive. Women join (bi)cycling clubs in Chicago and tennis clubs in New York City.

· 1893 - 16-year old Tessie Reynonds of Brighton rides her bicycle to London and back, a distance of 120 miles, in 8.5 hours. She wore the shocking "rationale" dress - a long jacket over knickers, which outraged some observers as much as her feat.

· 1894 - Annie "Londonderry" Kopchovsky, 23, sets out to become the first woman to bicycle around the world, a journey that lasted 15 months and earned her $5,000 along the way.

The photograph above was taken in Germany three years ago and Frȧulein looks determined – perhaps she is in a hurry to concoct hubby’s dinner. She hammered uphill in the most unflattering and old-fashioned dress loaded with bags of groceries and produce. Way to go girl!

Sunday, 15 May 2011

Grandma – where does meat come from?

Picture your local supermarket’s butchery department - Plastic wrapped black trays of perfectly uniform, perfectly bone-free pieces of meat. All date stamped, weighed and priced. Sanitized, clean and so easy to forget that the meat tray you have in your hand actually contains meat from an animal that someone has killed.

Everyone knows butchers have large sharp knives and it is their job to present us with perfect meat. Naked chickens take on a surreal aura when they packed side by side in a sparkly white freezer. Not a talon or beady eye in sight.

In Malaysia outdoor butcher shops are the norm. Men hack, saw and cut. The bits are laid out in large chunks – thighs, shoulders, heads and offal. Blood, guts and sawn bones shimmer in troprical humidity. The owner waives a plastic bag at the hovering flies.

Pyramids of chicken feet point irreverently . Lolling grey-green tongues glisten in the sun. Chickens, sans head and feet lie naked as corpses. The butcher uses a blowtorch to singe off tiny down feathers before dismembering a hanging carcass. Legs, hooves, heads – dead eyes and stiff black bristles.

The stench of death makes me gag. I can’t take my eyes from the puddles of thick red blood so bright they almost speak. Not a plastic wrapped black polystyrene tray to be seen.

Tuesday, 10 May 2011

LUCKY LUCKY ME....................

I’m in the money – how fantastic is that!

Not just a few measly dollars but………….millions – $US21.5 million to be exact. I’m already getting nervous thinking about all those noughts. I don’t wish to brag – some people deserve to be lucky in life.

I opened my email inbox this morning and nearly chocked on my coffee – Douglas Nurudeen wrote “My dear Friend”. Wow, how caring is that for an opening line. Douglas is a very fine Barrister living in Nigeria.
My dear Friend, Douglas

Apparently a long lost relative of mine died. He was a shipping magnate and unbelievably, a multi-millionaire. I understand the poor man passed away some time in 2007 – I’m not exactly sure why it has taken so long to contact me; I am in the telephone book after all. But then that’s the legal fraternity for you.

Try as I might, I can’t place the deceased. Douglas described him as an elderly Nigerian man – surely he would have been black? Okay, so maybe I do have a wheaten complexion and greyish blonde hair, but then stranger things have happened and Dad was all over the place during the War, so who knows? Douglas has my email address so it must be kosher. I’ve decided not to mention anything to Mum just to be on the safe side.

$US21.5million – I’ll have to give some to the family of course. Well, not that greedy cousin of mine for sure. Maybe we should update the car and replace the washing machine. Hmmm –we could treat ourselves to a holiday somewhere warm and tropical.

Douglas asked me to complete the paperwork – I am to email a copy of my Passport, Driver’s License, and daytime telephone number. Obviously, I will send my bank account details and password on personal letterhead. Douglas will forward my details to the Eco-Bank in Lagos and within fourteen days, I’ll have the money in my bank account. And then its party time! I just can’t believe how lucky I am. I’ll let you know the date of the party and no guesses as to who’s paying?

It’s now day 11. Douglas assures me the money is being transferred through the realm of cyber banking as we speak. He has also been gracious enough to invite me to spend next Christmas with his lovely wife and family.

I must remember to look up my horoscope. Lucky Jupiter or some other planet must be colliding with Libra this month – I’ve received a beautiful email from Pualina Benito. Sadly, Pualina is fading fast – shuffling off this mortal coil and yet her last wish is to help the orphans of the world. How can a girl resist her offer to assist?

Dear friend,
I am Mrs Pualina Benito. and i have been surffering from ovarian cancer disease and the doctor says that i have just two days to leave.I am from (Malaga) Spain but based in Africa Burkina Faso since eight years ago as business woman dealing with gold exportation.Now that i am about to end the race like this,without any family members and no child.I have 3 Million US DOLLARS in Africa Development Bank (ADB) Burkina Faso which i instructed the bank to give St Andrews Missionary Home in Burkina Faso.But my mind is not at rest because i am writting this letter now through the help of my computer beside my sick bed.

I also have 4.5Million US Dollars at Ecobank here in Burkina Faso and i instructed the bank to transfer the money to the first foreigner that will apply to the bank after i have gone that they should release the fund to him/her,but you will assure me that you will take 50% of the money and give 50% to the orphanages home in your country for my heart to rest.You are to contact the bank through this email address:
Yours fairly friend, Madam Pualina Benito.

The email brought tears to my eyes – someone has to help this poor woman in chronic pain with no family. She is a true Samaritan. It is rather sad Pualina won’t have time to take those advanced English lessons.

I’m seriously considering utilising some of my millions to help a fellow Kiwi who emailed me last night. The situation is terrible.

Subject: Urgent Help from all Kiwi’s
I’m sorry for this odd request because it might get to you too urgent but it’s because of the situation of things right now,We are stuck in london right now,we came down here on vacation ,we were robbed, worse of it is that bags, cash and cards and cell phone were stolen at GUN POINT, it’s such a crazy experience for us, we need help flying back home, the authorities are not being 100% supportive but the good thing is that we still have our passport but dont have enough money to get our flight ticket back home, please i need you to loan me some money, i will refund you as soon as i’m back home, I PROMISE

Well, dear friends, check out this space over the next couple of days – time and details of the shindig to be posted as soon as I receive that email from Douglas!

Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Nature's Touch at Fantail Bay

A lone Pohutukawa – tall and proud
Tortured, gnarled, knobbly
Masses of crimson red flowers – the colour of blood
Pert golden stamen and tangled tree roots

The flash of a white throated Tui
Shiny - metallic blues and greens
Petulant clouds and shivering grass
The dull wing beat of a fat Wood Pigeon

A vista of sparkling blue sea
Air heavy with salt laden breezes
Cartwheeling, graceful white gulls
Majestic Ponga with Koru - brown and curling
Steep paths and the cry of meandering sheep

Puriri, bracken and sweet smelling Manuka
Scampering rabbits – hesitant, nervous, alert
Tombstone grey gravel – narrow, dusty and rutted
The aroma of newly cut hay floats on a gust of hot air

A cricket’s monotone song
The clapping beat of the sea
Shadows stretching across paddocks
The last of the filtering sun teases
A sky - sullen and smudged.